Previous exhibitions - Jiri Sliva
From 08 april till 24 june 2012
Jirí Slíva was born in Pilsen in 1947 and is living in Prague since 1966. After finishing his studies in economics at the University of Prague, he worked for 8 years as a sociologist.
Slíva´s first published drawings appeared in 1972 and as this seemed successful he has devoted his full time to cartooning, graphic art, illustration and painting since 1979. He has produced 10 cartoon books, published in the Czech Republic, Germany, Switzerland, France and the USA. His drawings have appeared in over 150 books, in numerous Czech newspapers and in international journals such as Die Zeit, Stern, New York Times, Nebelspalter, Die Welt, Los Angeles Times...
He makes also colour lithography’s, etchings and oil paintings.
He won numerous prizes at cartoon festivals, such as in Knokke-Heist, Belgrado, Bordighera, Legnica, Gabrovo, Skopje, Tolentino, Surgut ... He had some one-man shows since in Prague, Paris, Zürich, Sofia, Berlin, Havana, Heidelberg, Warsaw, Rome, Hamburg, Brussels, Salzburg, Antwerp, Amsterdam, Moscow, Vienna, Milan, Utrecht, New York, Ottawa, Tel Aviv, Tokio ...
See also ...
The exhibition can be admired at the European Cartoon Centre, Brugstraat s/n in Kruishoutem, every Sunday from 10 – 12 a.m. and 2 – 5 p.m., from April 8th until June 24th. Groups of 10 persons and more are also welcome by appointment on other days.